Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 3, Thing 5: Explore Flickr

Hooray, it finally worked! It took a long, long time to figure this one out. I was able to upload photo into Flickr but then I couldn't figure out how to get the photo into Blogger. I tried using Flickr's blog tool and then I tried the URL upload in Blogger. The URL posted but the picture would not appear. I was using the URL directly from Flickr and I think that may have been the problem. I eventually ended up downloading the photo back from Flickr and uploading from the computer. Does any have any helpful hints or explanations on what I was doing wrong?
Anyway, this is Marmalade, our beloved cat. He used to be the number 1 cat in the house, he's now number 2, and he tends to drool when he's happy.

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