Friday, September 21, 2007

Week 9, Thing 23: Final Thoughts

I have completed my 23 Things! While it is a relief to be finished, I have to say that I enjoyed participating in this program. Here are a few final thoughts:

Cataloging my books in LibraryThing was a great way to keep track of what I read as well as a reference for readers advisory. Out of all the accounts I set up, I could see myself keeping up this one.

Participating in this program helped me gain a better understanding of blogs, wikis, RSS feeds etc. I have heard the term "blog" so many times yet I had never blogged until this class. And blogs are not so scary after all:) I also gained a much better understanding of podcasts and online productivity tools. Until the exercise, I had no idea that Google docs existed.

There were a lot of accounts to set up and passwords to remember. A lot. Fewer accounts in a future program would be better.

I would definitely do this again if a program was offered in the future. 23 Things gave me a much better understanding of the current technologies and I really liked the hands-on approach for the learner. Even if we cannot immediately or directly use some of these technologies in a library setting, I feel it is very important that librarians have a general knowledge of the terms. If our customers are blogging and talking about wikis and RSS feeds then we should at least know what they are talking about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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